Seago’s environmental mission
As a manufacturer and distributor Seago is always conscientious of the impact we have on the environment, although not everything can be made with zero impact we do plan to make continual changes to reduce our footprint.
Pyrotechnic distress signals are still a requirement for many maritime sectors and are in most cases the norm for many leisure vessel users. Disposing and shipping of pyrotechnics has become harder in recent years, with many people just dumping them in the sea, by the roadside or in regular rubbish bins. This of course is neither safe or good for the environment.
Seago have become an official outlet for the disposal of pyrotechnic distress signals, not just our own brand but any brand. If you can get your unwanted flares to us we can dispose of them in the correct and safe way.
Please contact Seago for more information and help on how to get your unwanted distress signals to us.
Forward Planning
Under the UK Merchant Shipping Regulations certain pyrotechnic distress flares are mandatory for Pleasure Vessels of 13.7m in length and over. Unless you are required by law to carry pyrotechnic flares you may prefer to rely on more modern technology for distress alerting. For further reading on this, and how best to indicate your location and that you need assistance without using pyrotechnics, visit the Calling for Help page on the RYA website.

Sustainable boating
The Green Blue was created by the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine, launched in 2005 at the Southampton Boat Show.
As a boating community that enjoy getting out on the water and experiencing the beautiful environment around us. We therefore play an important role in helping to protect our marine and inland waters to safeguard the wildlife and habitats with which we share our boating environment.
For more information visit: Home - The Green Blue